Rep. Helen Head of South Burlington honored with a John Murphy Labor award

Submitted by asst.treasurer on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 17:33
Invitation to John Muphy Labor Awards on September 7 at 4:30 pm

Each year, the John Murphy Labor Award is given to someone who best honors former Rep. Murphy's legacy: standing strong for working Vermonters, and helping to build Vermont's labor movement. This year they are honoring Rep. Helen Head, and the Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals.

Rep. Helen Head has been a tireless advocate for workers’ rights and stronger unions. As Chair of the House General, Housing, & Military Affairs Committee, she was a driving force behind the Legislature passing bills this year to increase the minimum wage, and create a paid family leave program. As she retires this year from the Legislature, we are honoring her with her second Murphy Award. And she is one of our own South Burlington Democrats!

Along with Rep Helen Head, will be honored the VFNHP, Local 5221, which has been organizing on behalf of Nurses this year in what became one of the largest strikes in Vermont history. They are pushing for increased pay and safer staffing practices. 

Please buy your tickets today and join us for the Murphy Awards on Friday September 7th, 4:30p, at the Big Shelter at Wrightsville Resevoir in Middlesex. Event includes lawn games, cookout, and award ceremony. If you're interested in sponsoring the event, or need more information, please call Maggie at 802-279-4262 


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